Sandong Province Education Television Station visited and took a documentary about Chinatown and ccba. 山东教育电视台访问中华公所并拍摄了一辑关于中华公所和纽约华埠的记录片。
Thinking about Several Problems Regarding Open and Distance Education of City Level Television University 市级电大远程开放教育几个问题的思考
Kang Ning: President of China Education Television and research professor. 康宁:现任中国教育电视台台长,研究员。
In education, closed-circuit television makes it easy for a whole class to see everything a teacher demonstrates. 在教育方面,闭路电视能使全班同学易于看清教师所演示的一切。
They gave$ 300 million to public education, pubolic television and to social research. 他们为公立教育、公共电视和社会研究捐赠勒3亿美元。
On language education, film and television drama for the specific groups of young people the impact of language learning is immeasurable. 就语文教育而言,影视戏剧对于青少年这一特定群体语文学习的影响是不可估量的。
Teaching Mode Construction of Distance Education in Radio and Television University 广播电视大学远程教育教学模式的构建
Contemporary and long-range education is opposite at teaching by correspondence the tradition such as education, broadcasting television education teachs configuration remotely and character. 现代远程教育是相对于函授教育、广播电视教育等传统远程教育形态而言。
However, with the development and popularization of the network characterize by swiftness, convenience and interaction, education television confronted with great challenges. 但近年来随着快速、便捷、信息量大、双向互动、直观形象的网络多媒体传播技术的迅速崛起和广泛普及,教育电视面临着严重的挑战。
Facing the new situation of the new century, the moral education of Television and Radio Broadcasting University has to keep pace with the times closely. 面对新世纪的新形势,电大的德育教育必须紧紧跟上时代的步伐。
Remote Education System of Television Colleges 电视大学远程教育系统
On Application of Essential-qualities-oriented Education to Television Technology Teaching 在《电视技术》教学中实施素质教育初探
Still-picture broadcasting system is considered to be a new broadcasting system to serve information and education television in the future. 静止图象广播是为了有效地利用有限的电波资源和满足观众对节目多样化的要求而发展起来的一种新的广播形式,可以为观众提供高效的信息型和教育型节目的服务。
This article discussed the education television piece film title design art with emphasis. 讨论电视教育片的片头设计艺术。
Chinese Education Faced with Television Culture 语文教育直面电视文化
English practice teaching is an important part in the project of talent training pattern reform and experimental unit of open education of radio and television universities. 英语实践教学是广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点项目的重要组成部分。
In my opinion, CETV, the national education television should strive for policy support, trying to become a commonweal education television; 本文通过剖析其困境及成因分析指出,中央级教育电视台CETV应该努力争取政策支持,向公共文化教育电视台方向奋斗;
Since 1960's, Education Television have played the most important role in educational information transmission because of its transmit advantages such as large number of information and high quality of transmit. 自20世纪60年代以来,教育电视凭借其传递信息量大、传输质量高、视听效果好等优势占据了我国教育领域主流传播媒体的位置。
Education Television is the most important base of prospering our country, and is the best class for implement diathesis education. 教育电视是实施全民素质教育的最佳课堂。
Analysis of Education Television Network Developing Trend 教育电视的网络化发展趋势分析
Importing the plan idea, developing education television 引入策划理念发展教育电视
A few technical problems in shooting audiovisual courses for distance education Television 远程电视教学课程摄制中几点技术问题探讨
Promote the Development of Continuing Education in Radio Television Universities for the 21st Century 面向廿一世纪大力推动电大继续教育的发展
As a part of education informatization construction, the application of education television media resources directly affects the overall quality of the education informatization construction and the function of the effective implementation. 作为教育信息化建设的构成部分,教育电视媒体资源应用实效性问题直接影响着教育信息化建设的整体质量和功能的有效实现。
These network teaching characteristics just meet the requirements of those of the Opening Education within Television Universities, which are complication in management and difficulty in achieving a unified managerial criterion. 网络教学的这些特点正好满足了电大开放教育教学点分布地区较多,学生管理复杂、繁琐,难以形成统一的管理规范的特点。
Concluded that a further improvement of the design issues and technical aspects of distance education from a digital television network in the future direction of development. 最后指出了本设计需进一步改进的问题以及从技术层面远程教育数字电视网络将来的发展方向。
Education television since the TV shape appears in the 1960 of the 20th century, after more than half a century of development, becoming indispensable to education in the mainstream media in China. 教育电视这种电视形态自20世纪60年代出现以来,历经半个多世纪的发展,逐渐成为我国教育行业不可缺少的主流媒体。
China Education Television ( CETV) is a national media along with China Central Television ( CCTV). 中国教育电视台(CETV)是和中央电视台(CCTV)并列的国家级媒体。
The story of science and education television programs are: the type of war, historical/ archaeological types, Science ( science)/ Thriller/ Adventure category and medical types. 科教电视节目的故事主要有:战争类型、历史/考古类型、科学(科幻)/惊悚/探险类和医疗类型等。
However, the impact of emerging internet media, resource limitations, management of the institutional barriers, application of subjectivity consciousness constraint, weaken the effectiveness of education television media resources application. 可是,新兴网络传播媒体的冲击、资源性条件的限制、管理的体制性障碍、应用主体性的意识性约束,弱化了教育电视媒体资源应用的实效性。